InfoNile project  is a geojournalism Website Mapping Issues of Water in the Nile Region with Locally Reported Stories on Environmental, Sociocultural, Economic and Political Dimensions of Water Issues in the Nile Basin

The goal of InfoNile is to bridge the gap between scientists and researchers collecting data on issues of water in the Nile Region, journalists reporting on such issues, and members of the public, in order to increase mutual awareness and understanding of the various dimensions to water issues of this ancient and most significant river.

The site  aggregates citizen, local and international reporting on the various dimensions of water issues in the Nile Basin, ranging from the environmental and sociocultural to the economic and political. Such reports will stem from the Water Journalists Africa, a network of about 700 journalists in Africa spread across some 50 countries who report of water , as well as local, national, and international reporting on water issues in the Nile Basin.

Members of the public are able to submit citizen journalist reports with the goal to make coverage as inclusive and diverse as possible.