Adella Mbabazi
March 22, 2017
The Water Integrity Network (WIN) has announced winners of this year’s photo competition, dedicated to wastewater management.
The 2016 WIN photo competition explored how corruption and malpractice affect water and wastewater management.
According to WIN, the winning photos: “very clearly show how poor wastewater governance affects our lives and ecosystems. They highlight the urgent need for integrity in wastewater management.”
SUDIPTO DAS is the overall winner. His imaged titled, ‘the River with white scars’ won him 1,000 US dollars.
His photograph shows Hindu women perform their morning ritual in the highly polluted Yamuna River, which is full of froth on the outskirts of Delhi in India.
Sudipto writes in his caption that: “ The froth is caused by the daily discharge of approximately 2000 million litres of waste and 132 metric tonnes of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) into the Yamuna river from Delhi through 25 drains. A 2016 study in the International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Technology concluded that even expensive water treatment plants are incapable of treating the polluted water and that the water is unfit for any purpose. Close to ‘dead’, the Yamuna River in Delhi sees no signs of healing.”
In the second place is DAVID BEDOYA’s image that shows waste in the Titicaca which won him 500 US Dollars.
Writing in his caption, David narrates that a family travels on Lake Titicaca through waste coming from the city of Puno. He further notes that poor management of wastewater means thousands of waste items float in the lake.
PARTHA PRATIM SAHA’s image about fishing in polluted water in Garhbeta, Dist. West Midnapore, State – WB, India emerged the third best photograph.
WIN received 194 breathtaking entries in total.
The jury that selected the winner included Water Journalists Africa’s Fredrick Mugira.