George Mhango
November 10, 2016

Malawian Viligita Amos is a mother of three. She has lived a bitter life due to lack of water for home use. Rivers as an alternative are nowhere in sight to make matters worse.
At the centre of the complaint was how to raise her children so they live a healthy life, go to school after taking a bath and above all for cooking.
“Any domestic work that required water was a challenge. My children suffered a lot. They went to school without a bath and on empty stomach. Clothes were not regularly washed too,” says Viligita.
She did not see any drop of water flow from a borehole or tap since her birth 29 years ago. Suffice to say that she spent more looking for water.
Today, Vigilita likewise others in Village Head (VH) Kachere in Traditional Authority (T/A) Mavwere in Mchinji, central region of Malawi can afford a smile. The well-drilled borehole is now a darling of all community members.
Why? Because World Vision Taiwan funded the drilling of holes. Here in Malawi, World Vision through Likasi Area Programme (AP) facilitated the drilling of the holes.
Provision of water has also improved the health-being and sanitation in schools in Likasi AP because learners afford a bath and put on well washed clothes.
“We could not have water. Our children were always late for school. We could not imagine having a borehole,” another mother echoed.
During the visit, it was discovered that close to the borehole is a vegetable garden. Communities use water from the borehole to grow vegetables.
“We don’t complain of relish anymore because I have a garden where I grow vegetables. In the previous years, this was not practiced because water was not available,” stated Amos, amid ululation from fellow women.
Communities in Village Head Ekesi in Traditional Authority Mavwere in Mchinji Malawi’s central region district have hailed World Vision for the borehole.
The development, according to community members has eased the water challenge faced for long. The water problem contributed to low school enrolment, poor hygiene and sanitation in various homes.
World Vision Taiwan provided funds for the drilling of the hole likewise the other 17 drilled holes in Likasi Area Programme (AP) in Mchinji.
Yasinta Daniel, 55, a member of the sunk hole in the area says life with children is unbearable without water.
“We depended on unprotected water sources before this borehole was sunk. Our children were affected when it comes to punctuality in schools,” says Yasinta.

According to her, women spent hours queuing for water at a distant place.
“Our children, especially girls would be late for school in most cases as they assisted us fetching water. We used to leave our homes as early as 4am to draw water in another village.
“We wanted our children to have breakfast and a bath before leaving for school,” says Yasinta, a mother of six and one grandchild.
With the borehole in place in the area, women and children praise World Vision. Most of them said they will ensure that they care of it to increase its life span.
“We have suffered a lot in areas of hygiene and sanitation, therefore, we cannot afford to lose this borehole just like that,” said Mable another mother of three.