WaterSan Perspective Reporter
February 19, 2016
An international organization based in Switzerland that addresses social and humanitarian problems worldwide and builds local capacity to face them – Swiss Re Foundation, has announced the launch of the “ReSource Award 2017″.
The ReSource Award focuses on social entrepreneurial approaches implementing the principles of sustainability in water management.
The prize builds on more than ten years of experience in supporting outstanding partners heading for sustainable watershed management.
An international jury will award up to USD 150 000 to new social entrepreneurial initiatives driving sustainable water management practices. The prize combines financial and non-financial contributions.

With this award, the Swiss Re Foundation aims at contributing to the advancement of water resilience in low, lower-middle and upper–middle-income countries.
The foundation is now inviting charities, non-profit organizations and revenue-generating social enterprises to submit proposals for novel, entrepreneurial solutions in sustainable water management practices.
One of the 2016 Finalists is MSABI http://msabi.org, in Tanzania. MSABI was started in 2009 by Australian Engineer Dale Young in response to frequent cholera and typhoid outbreaks in the rural regions of Tanzania.
It is a Social Business Incubator. The organization is pioneering progressive and innovative hardware and software systems that create and “spin-off” independent and locally owned WASH service delivery businesses. They help stimulate and create local market demand for essential services that improve the livelihoods and wellbeing of disadvantaged rural and peri-urban communities.