George Bradley and University of Florida
April 25, 2015

Did you know that up to 748 million people rely on contaminated or unprotected water sources and 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation facilities worldwide?

World Health Organisation estimates that 1.8 billion people use a fecally contaminated drinking water source, 2.5 billion lack access to improved sanitation facilities and more than 840,000 people die from water related diseases annually.

Contaminated water is the number one cause of death in developing countries, causing diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, typhoid fever, malaria, ascariasis, dengue fever and many other deadly illnesses.

In fact, contaminated water is the number one public health concern globally based on its impact to society, according to the WHO. Fortunately, the WHO estimates that 10% of the global disease burden could be prevented with improved water supply and sanitation.

In light of this, a number of innovations and technologies are providing growing solutions to this problem.

The University of Florida in USA has created an infographic that can help people to visualize five water purification designs that would greatly benefit third world communities.

UF Online Infographic: Five Water Purification Designs for Third World Communities
UF Online B.S. in Environmental Management

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