Wallace Mawire
March 11, 2014
Zambia will on April 29 to 30, 2014 host the first African water integrity summit.The summit “Accelerating towards a Water Secure World” takes place in Lusaka, Zambia.
Hosted by UNDP-Water Governance Facility, The Water Integrity Network, UNDP/Cap-Net, WaterNet and the Stockholm International Water Institute, the summit marks the conclusion of a successful three-year regional integrity training programme in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The programme successfully trained more than 400 stakeholders across 36 countries, the impact of which will be documented and analyzed at the summit, in order to further disseminate practical insights on how to respond to misconduct in the water sector.
Gathering water sector stakeholders from Western, Southern and Eastern Africa to exchange knowledge and experiences, the conference aims to encourage and stimulate dialogue on learning how corruption can be addressed in the water sector at a regional and national level.

The purpose of the summit is to share know-how, experiences, successful tools and challenges when implementing water integrity action plans. It will contribute to building political ownership for water integrity practice, assess the gaps and develop a way forward for further enhancing integrity in the water sector.