PanAfrican Climate Justice Alliance
December 02 2011
DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA – Civil society groups from South Africa, and the wider African continent urged African nations to stand together at the UN climate talks in Durban and not to be bend to pressure to sell out.
Groups, including labour unions, farmers, faith groups and environmental activists say that the African COP must not abandon the people of Africa.
They welcomed the stated position of the African Group which calls for developed countries to commit to the greater emission reductions that climate science tells us essential if the world is to have a chance of slowing global warming and avoiding catastrophic climate change.

“Africa must stand united in Durban. People in Africa are already paying the price of two hundred years of industrial pollution by the developed world. Africa must fight to ensure that developed countries deliver on their legal and moral obligation to cut the emissions that are putting the lives of millions of people at risk,” said Bobby Peek from Friends of the Earth International
Michele Maynard from the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance added:
“South Africa has a leading role to play, as the Chair of these talks here in Durban. The South African chair of the talks must not let South Africa down. African nations must stand shoulder-to-shoulder to deliver radical action to cut emissions, and substantial finance to allow Africa to adapt to the impacts already being felt.”
“Civil society is watching the talks here in Durban with growing concern. These talks must not ignore the needs of the African people. Africa is already feeling the impacts of climate change. The future of African agriculture, food and survival is at stake. The African nations are watching you.”
Michele Maynard said.